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First Night Sold Out! Second Night Added!

Beach Bunny – The Tunnel Vision Tour

Pool Kids, Jayla Kai

Wed, April 23, 2025
Doors: 7:00 pm

9:30 Club
Washington, DC

Tickets are non-transferable until 72 hours prior to the show time. Any tickets suspected of being purchased for the sole purpose of reselling can be cancelled at the discretion of 9:30 Club / Ticketmaster, and buyers may be denied future ticket purchases for I.M.P. shows. Opening acts, door times, and set times are always subject to change.

Beach Bunny

Few artists can pinpoint an emotion as clearly and honestly as Beach Bunny’s Lili Trifilio. With its openhearted themes and progressive, hook-filled take on pop rock and pop punk, Emotional Creature only further cemented Beach Bunny and Trifilio’s well-earned reputation as a leading voice of their generation. Through multiple RIAA-certified Platinum and Gold singles and their new single “Vertigo,” Trifilio continues to soar to new heights of magnetic energy and dive to new depths of unguarded vulnerability.

Pool Kids

Jayla Kai

Venue Information:
9:30 Club
815 V Street N.W.
Washington, DC, 20001

815 V ST. NW WASHINGTON, DC 20001 • PRIVACY POLICY • EMAIL: • PHONE: 202.265.0930