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Mount Eerie

Hana Stretton, Precious Bane

Sun, April 20, 2025
Doors: 6:30 pm

The Atlantis
Washington, DC

Tickets are non-transferable until 72 hours prior to the show time. Any tickets suspected of being purchased for the sole purpose of reselling can be cancelled at the discretion of The Atlantis / Ticketmaster, and buyers may be denied future ticket purchases for I.M.P. shows. Opening acts, door times, and set times are always subject to change.

Mount Eerie

I grew up five miles into the woods outside the island town of Anacortes, Washington during the 80’s and 90’s in a post-hippie echo that normalized saying “hello” out loud to the nearby mountains, waters and animals. As a teenager, entering the world of music and creation through the door that punk tore open, I finally found my people in Olympia. I lived there for 5 years and released records as the Microphones with the K label. Now I make Mount Eerie records, since 2003, and release them myself on a fake record label, stubbornly still DIY to the bone. I have a devotion to this life of creativity and subversion that has never wavered. These songs and works dig down into the bedrock of this place and try to bring forth a fresh exhale, a big picture glimpse, small beneath the sky, clear water trickling.

Hana Stretton

Hana Stretton is an accomplished Australian-British multi-instrumentalist, songwriter & producer. Born and raised on a farm in New South Wales, Hana’s early life was steeped in natural beauty and isolation, which has become the influence for much of her music. Her work reflects a deep connection to her roots.

Hana made her debut record, Soon, outside, in still moments after fires and wild storms had raged through her home in the Australian bush. Completely isolated with just her beloved cows and a few instruments, recording music became a way to pass the hours. The album was self-released in January 2023, with a vinyl run by boutique Australian label brierfield flood press. The following year, P.W. Elverum & Sun (the private press of Phil Elvrum aka Mount Eerie) re-issued a special edition vinyl, selling out almost instantly. Upon release, Elvrum explained his admiration for Hana’s music: “I hear an artist who has entered completely into the stream where creation originates […] Hana Stretton has truly recorded the deep flourishing sound of a quiet listening mind in full blossom.”

Precious Bane

Venue Information:
The Atlantis
2047 9th St NW
Washington, DC, 20001

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